Here's a widget to quickly show students attainment levels

Information systems are all about providing information and not just entering information (or they should be).

Here's a widget that will simply display attainment levels against a target for selected group(s) and identify those above, at and below. Furthermore, each group can be expanded to show the individual learners and the number of points difference from the target (plus SEN and Pupil Premium identifiers)

How can this widget be used?

It could be used on a primary teachers dashboard as a method to quickly remind the teacher which children haven't met their target by displaying the latest recorded results (so that the teacher can allocate their resources accordingly)

It could be multiple times on an SLT dashboard showing a summary of progress for an entire year group. 

Free School Meals Summary by Review Date

Here's a simple little widget that lists the FSM reviews in chronological order and highlights any that have gone past their date (in red) and the ones to be done in the next 3 weeks (in green).   Oh, and if the learner doesn't have a review date then these are also highlighted (in grey).

How big are your houses?

Do you want to quickly know which house to add new learners to so that they remain balanced?

Well here's a simple learner widget showing the total number of active learners assigned to each academic house by year.