I see you.... View today's users and their duration

Not all data in Progresso is manually entered.  What about all that information collected in the logs?

I wanted to see if I could easily view who was logged on so I built this simple widget which looks at today's users and calculates how long they have been using the system.

It's surprising what other data is stored, such as the IP address.  This gave me the idea to try out the SSRS feature to launch an external URL.  So if you click on the IP address a new window will open that showing the users login location (that's if it's not hidden).

Happy Birthday to you

Did you know that your MIS can help remind you of those really important dates?

Why not add the "Todays Birthdays" widget to your dashboard and set the parameters just to look at your Form/Tutor/Registration group.

Btw, the widget only looks forward 7 days and the highlighted row is the current day.